Monday 30 December 2013

it's hurt me :'(

penah x rase bile ade kawan 0r member yg sakit @ ditimpa musibah dekat die
or family die.. tpi kite x tau nak ckp ape..
feel sad but can't say anything that can relieve them...
sometimes it hurt me a l0t..
like a fool person that can't do anything f0r his friend..
even to comfort her or him...
last day.. my romate's grandpa was sick..
and what... I see her crying infront of me...
I knew that feeling.. like I lost my last Grandma... 
my only nenek that I have n seen her only for 15 years
if not mistaken...
she always sing a Japanese song during war for us.. 
such a nice memory...
but I can't remember that song...
back to main p0int...
yes.. memang kadang2 kite rse ape nak buat nih...
bile kite tgok org tgah sedih2.. 
mcm mne nak ckp ek?? ape yg bg die tenang??
so... I just say.. 
Where ever u feel it is come from Allah...
In every tears.. remember Allah always be with us.. 
Just pray n minx bnyak2 kat Allah..
semoga segalanya akan baik...
I got this comfort word from Sami Yusuf song.. in every tears Allah is there.. =')
is it true right??

maybe sometimes Allah uji kite dgn benda yg kite x suke..
sebabnye.. Allah rindu nak dengar kite n suara rintihan Hamba Nya nih
merayu kepada Allah... 
n Allah always loves His slave..
thats why He wants to test us... =')

 esok first paper for this final exam sem 3..
huahuahua.. yet I still reviewing for that paper...
pray f0r us.. 
love Aqidah c0z I learn so many thing about Aqidah t0day..
impr0ve my knowledge about our own aqidah right??
last but not least.. fighting uoallllssss...
salam ukhuwah.. :')


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