bru je lepas 2 hari selesai buat pr0gram family day fo0dbi0tech 2013..
tpiii rase mlas tu makin menjadi2..
x tau nak wat hape..
maybe sebab terlalu bnyak mse smpai x tau nak buat ape..
tg0k bdak law dlm umah nih sume busy dgn assignment msing2...
kte0rg maybe rilex sbb tmpoh assignment yg gler bpak lme..
tpi yg lme tu ler parah...
last2 minit nak buat..
haish x boleh nih..
cukup2 la..
tadi dlm lecture da'wah n phil0s0phy mcm kne pukau plak..
tid0 je semedang..
x b0leh langsung dgr s0re lecturer ckap..
mule ler mate jadi berat..
tpi lecture f0od science n tech bkn main mata luas terbukak..
maybe sbb minat nak dgr psal mknn
il0ve t0 kn0w ab0ut fo0d..
hari ni belaja psal carb0hydrate..
meh cni ak explain ape yg ak dpt petang tdi..
first... carbohydrate nih contain of carbon atom and als0 haydr0gen n 0xygen at0m..
it have simple carbohydrate which is mon0saccharides n disaccharides
while the c0mplex is 0lig0saccharides and polysaccharides..
it's s0 many new term that I learned t0day in dat class...
bulking agent is like y0gurt ker?
ntah ler x bape sure..
n then inf0 kesihatan ckit..
it's go0d f0r diabetics patient
it make us taste sweet..
it's 0nly fake sweetness..
hahaha n 0ne m0re..
whipping cream, cheese, t0pping and etc. is not fat!!!
it's only alternative sweetener..
it make us feel sweet..
carb0hydrate als0 can acts as fat replacer..
actually x faham sgt yg fat replacer nih mcm mna..
nak tnye segan.. haha
erm... caramelization is the pr0cess that sugar bec0me br0wn c0l0ur that we make puding
the m0re m0isture c0mtent in sugar l0se, the m0re br0wn the c0l0ur..
like burn p0n buleh,.
dah2... ckp psal f0od science smpai es0k x habis..
btw.. nak buat vide0 la... hahahaha
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mmg lapar kalo time lecture asyik tunjuk psal mknan.. hahaha |
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